What is Arcadia’s ticker symbol?
Arcadia’s symbol on NASDAQ is RKDA.
When was Arcadia founded?
Arcadia was founded in 2002.
Where is Arcadia’s headquarters? Address and telephone number?
Arcadia is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Our address is:
5950 Sherry Lane
Dallas, TX 75225
Phone: (530) 756-7077
Where is Arcadia incorporated?
Arcadia is a Delaware corporation.
When did Arcadia become a public company and at what price? Where is the common stock listed?
Arcadia became a public company on May 15, 2015 and its IPO priced at $8.00 per share. The company is listed on NASDAQ as RKDA.
Can I purchase shares of Arcadia stock directly?
Arcadia does not offer a direct purchase program at this time.
What is Arcadia’s fiscal year? When do its fiscal quarters end?
Arcadia has a calendar year fiscal year. Its fiscal quarters are as follows: First Quarter: January 1 to March 31 Second Quarter: April 1 to June 30 Third Quarter: July 1 to September 30 Fourth Quarter: October 1 to December 31
Does Arcadia pay dividends? Does it offer a dividend reinvestment program (DRIP)?
Currently, Arcadia does not pay dividends, and hence does not offer a dividend reinvestment program.
Who is Arcadia’s transfer agent and how can I reach them?
Who is Arcadia’s auditor?
Arcadia’s auditor is Deloitte & Touche LLP.
Who is Arcadia’s legal counsel?
Arcadia’s legal counsel is Weintraub Tobin.
How many employees does Arcadia have?
As of December 31, 2022, we had 30 full-time employees.
How many offices does Arcadia have?
Our corporate headquarters are located in Dallas, Texas, and we have an office in Sacramento, California.
Where can I get the latest news releases on Arcadia?
All news releases can be accessed on Arcadia’s web site through the News & Events link.
How can I view documents that Arcadia has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
Documents filed with the SEC can be accessed through the Investor Relations page of the Arcadia web site.
How do I obtain further information or materials on Arcadia?